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From: Paul Collins MSc MCSP INWA Instructor 投稿者:ポールコリ ンズ修士MCSPインワインストラクター
Burn 20-50% more calories than normal walking 通常の歩行よりもバーン20〜 50パーセントより多くのカロリー
Exercise 90% of YOUR muscles at the same time 同じ時間であなたの筋肉の運動は90%
The Ideal Weight Loss Solution 理想的な重量損失ソリューション
Excellent Health Benefits without the Aches and Pains 優れた健康の利点痛みなし
Proven to Help Arthritis, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoporosis, Muscle Soreness, Heart Conditions and MUCH more! 関節炎、腰痛、坐骨神経痛、骨粗しょう症、筋肉痛、 ハート条件とより多くのヘルプを実証!
Learn Nordic Walking Without Taking a Single Lesson with Our Interactive Video Package
Nordic Walking works more of the body than Normal Walking:

Nordic Walking burns more calories per hour than Normal Walking:

Above: Research courtesy of Wikipedia 2010 上記:ウィキペディア2010 年の研究礼儀
1. Nordic Walking Made Easy - eGuide with over 80 pictures (83 pages)
This eGuide includes everything you need to know about Nordic Walking and more. It is an exhaustive guide about the ins and out of Nordic Walking, tuition, technique, benefits, warm up, cool down, poles, history of the sport and much, much more!
Here is what you are going to get in the eGuide:
- Introduction to the Book
- Introduction to the Author
- Introduction to Nordic walking
- Health Benefits
- Fitness Benefits
- Medical Benefits
- Nordic Walking Poles
- History of Nordic Walking
- The Warm up
- Warm up exercises (Dynamic)
- Flexibility exercises (Static)
- Technique of Nordic walking
- Uphill and downhill Nordic walking
- Measuring Exercise intensity
- Measuring hydration status
- Questions related to Nordic Walking
- Instructor Website
- General Safety
2. Video Series - Consisting of 16 videos
An informative tuition series taking you step by step through technique of Nordic Walking. Whether you have tried Nordic Walking before, wish to be an instructor or are a complete newbie. The Video series will be all you need. Unique and exlusive footage never seen before.
- Introduction
- Height of the Pole and Pole Strap
- Warm Up
- Nordic Walking without the poles
- Carrying the Poles
- Dragging the Poles
- Planting the Poles
- Pulling to the Hip
- Pushing Past the Hip
- Pushing through the Strap
- Nordic Walking Technique
- Uphill Technique
- Downhill Technique
- Running with the Poles
- Cross Country into Prairie Dog
- Cool Down / Flexibility