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Marko Kantaneva
Marko Kantaneva was the first person to create terms and directions for Nordic walking (sauvakävely)1997.
Marko Kantaneva - Original Nordic walker about Original Nordic walking (1997)
sunnuntaina 18. huhtikuuta 2010
The Birth of Modern Nordic walking - Sauvakävely part 1.
[近代ノルディックウォーキングの誕生 - ストックウォーキング第1部]
Initially, walking with the poles was practised by cross-country skiers, because walking with the poles allowed them to simulate cross-country skiing techniques quite closely. Cross-country skiers had used walking with the poles as a form of summer training, during long walks in woods, on paths, slopes and swamps. Instead of the term Pole walking the skiers have preferred to use the term ‘Ski walking’, which matches the walking techniques employed by skiers better. The skiers’ technique is more dynamic and aggressive than that of a person using - Nordic walking - as a form of workout. Ski walking is more like a brisk walk supported by poles.
まず最初に、棒で歩くことが彼らが全く密接にクロスカントリースキー技術を装うのを許したので、棒で歩くことは国を横断するスキーヤーによって練習されました。経路、斜面と沼で、森での長い散歩の間、国を横断するスキーヤーは、夏のトレーニングの形として棒で歩くことを使いました。歩いている学期ポールの代わりに、スキーヤーは『歩いているスキー』という語を使用するのを好みました。そして、それはよりよくスキーヤーによって使用される歩いている技術にマッチします。テクニックが人のそれより多くの力と攻勢であるスキーヤーのもの - 北欧のウォーキング - トレーニングの形として。歩いているスキーは、より棒で支えられるきびきびした散歩のようです。
Original Nordic walking (Sauvakävely) in its current form began its way across the world from Finland in spring 1997. I had already developed various "Sauvakävely" Nordic walking exercises in year 1991 when I work as a P.E. teacher and specially for course groups during my studies at the Finnish Sports Institute at Vierumäki, Finland, in 1994 – 1997. I even used Nordic walking as a part of my graduation theses (1996-1997), in spite of the fact that at these times the physical activity itself did not even exist! (No poles, books, education etc.). This fact was known also to my highly respected professor Risto Virtanen, who was contacted by the managing director of Suomen Latu (The Central Association for Recreational Sports and Outdoor Activities) Tuomo Jantunen. Tuomo asked Risto an article about this crazy physical activity, and provide a couple of photos showing the technique of walking with poles. Risto told him that he knew someone, who would definitely handle the request...
その現在の形の最初の北欧のウォーキング(Sauvakavely)は、1997年春にフィンランドから世界中で自分の道を開始しました。私が1994年にVierumaki(フィンランド)でフィンランドのSports研究所で私の研究の間、P.E.先生として、そして、コース・グループのために特別に働くとき、私は年1991にいろいろな「Sauvakavely」北欧のウォーキング・エクササイズをすでに開発しました – 1997.これらの時間に、身体活動そのものさえ存在しなかったという事実にもかかわらず、私は私の卒業命題(1996-1997)の一部として、北欧のウォーキングさえ使いました!(棒でない、本、教育その他)。この事実はまた、私の非常に尊敬された教授リスト・ビルタネンに知られていました。そして、その人はSuomenラトウ(気晴らしのスポーツと屋外の活動のための中央協会)トゥオモJantunenの常務によって連絡をとられました。トゥオモはリストにこの狂った身体活動に関する記事を尋ねました、そして、棒で歩く技術を示している二、三の写真を提供してください。リストは彼が誰かを知っていると彼に話しました。そして、その人は要請を確かに取り扱います...
...After I received the contact information from Risto Virtanen, I contacted Tuomo Jantunen and introduced myself. I enquired about the requirements to the content of the article. “Six pages,” Tuomo said. To compensate this work, we agreed on an educational scholarship of 1000 Finnish marks of the times, which paid for my studies. The text of "Sauvakävely" was completed fairly soon, because I had already previously studied the topic in relation to physical education instruction at the Finnish Sports Institute, as well as in the course of completing my graduation thesis majoring as a physical education instructor.
Soon after sending the text I received a feedback enquiry from Tuomo. “Thank you for the text. Would it be possible to organise a photo-shoot at Vierumäki? I will organise some poles through Exel, would you bring the models for shooting”. We agreed on the day of the shoot, and on the agreed day a photo-shoot for my article "Sauvakävey" was organised on the grounds of the Finnish Sports Institute at Vierumäki. Pictures were taken according to the guidelines that I had laid down in the "Sauvakävely" text for Suomen Latu publication.
After the shooting session we went to have a cup of coffee, where we were joined by the pole line product manager of the time Taisto Manninen of Exel Oyj. On the same occasion, when leaving Vierumäki, Taisto Manninen left me a stack of poles for testing.
Some weeks after this meeting, my mobile phone rang in the middle of my morning coffee break. “It’s Taisto from Exel, hi, have you any comments to the size table of walking poles? Yet I responded: “I am in a quite inconvenient spot right now, could I call you back in a moment?” I grabbed a bunch of poles. I glanced around, and then I noticed our neighbour Pekka Nakari standing in the yard, watching his children play.
I asked Pekka first if he had a moment. He indeed had time, and so two men, both 190 cm tall, started the Walking poles calculation tests. We walked a bit, and then discussed our reactions to Pole Walking. I acted as the recorder, and wrote down the results. I had one clear starting point for determining the length of the walking poles. This I had wrote to the manuscript which I had given to Suomen Latu earlier. The walking pole had to be shorter than cross-country ski poles or the training poles for slopes that skiers use. This hypothesis about the length of the poles had been proven through experience acquired in the course of Nordic walking lessons I had given.
After completed our field tests, I went back home and sat down at the computer. I prepared a dimensional chart once again based on the walkers’ height from 1.5 m all the way to 2 m. The poles at my disposal had five different lengths. I determined them as 115 cm,120 cm, 125 cm, 130 cm and 135 cm.
我々の実地試験を完了したあと、私は家に戻って、コンピュータで座りました。私は、2mまでずっと1.5mからもう一度歩行者の背の高さに基づく次元のチャートを準備しました。私の自由の棒は、5つの異なる長さを持ちました。私は、115 cm,120 cm、125cm、130cmと135cmとして彼らを決めました。
This size spread, which is based on my testing and confirmation with Pekka, is still in use for selecting Walking poles. However, I had no way of knowing the importance of the task that I was fulfilling that early summer day. Developing Nordic walking poles size spread has convinced me that accomplishing a functional and practical thing in this world is not too difficult, provided that people have a clear vision on what they are looking for.
By autumn 1997, Exel Oyj had completed the product – Nordic Walker – walking pole. Furthermore, Suomen Latu organised various event nights in order to promote the physical activity in Finland. I did my share of the work from the Finnish Sports Institute. In same autumn 1997, I also carried out some training or, rather, informational events for the very first Suomen Latu Pole Walking instructors.
1997年秋までには、エクセルOyjは、製品を完了しました – 北欧の歩行者 – 歩いている棒。さらにまた、Suomenラトウは、フィンランドで身体活動を促進するために、いろいろなイベント夜を組織しました。私は、フィンランドのSports研究所から仕事の私の割当てをしました。同じ秋1997に、私も一番最初のSuomen Latu Pole Walkingインストラクターのために若干の訓練を受けているか、むしろ、情報のイベントを実行しました。
The first winter already showed signs of Nordic Walking becoming an all-year-round physical activity. Over the entire winter season 1997–1998 - in Finnish Sports Instute - I lead daily Nordic Walking groups. This was when it was discovered that people wished to practise Nordic Walking not just all-year-round, but from their very doorsteps.
最初の冬は、すでに、すべて一年中の身体活動になっている北欧のWalkingの徴候を示しました。全ての冬の季節1997–1998以上 - フィンランドのSports Instuteで - 私は、毎日の北欧のWalkingグループを導きます。人々が、彼らのまさしくそのドアステップから以外、ちょうど一年中北欧のWalkingを練習しなくしたいということを発見されたとき、これはそうでした。
The next step in product development process was creating an asphalt paw like I was wrote in to my manuscript to Suomen Latu. A rubber paw attached to the spiketip of the pole made it possible to practice Nordic Walking in cities on asphalt roads. Moreover, it opened eyes to the fact that Nordic Walking can be practised in any corner of the world, and at any time, because Nordic Walking is not dependent on weather conditions, time of year, or circumstances.
I published the next big article promoting the sport for the column titled ‘Next Step’ I wrote at the time for Seura Magazine, Finland. 1998 may be seen as the boom year for the Nordic walking craze in Finland. The number of enthusiasts leaped from nearly zero to over a hundred thousand people practising Nordic walking at least once a week. 1998 taught me personally a lot about Nordic walking and teaching it. At that time, I worked with Nordic walking around the clock and seven days a week. At the Institute and outside it. I was developing new methods and ways of teaching people swifter and easier ways of learning the sport’s secrets almost every day. The activity indeed spread extremely fast around the country, and was a continuous media subject. The training sessions based on the “all from nothing” principle, as well as completing the instruction book entitled From Nordic Walking to Pole Sports, were challenging tasks, because I had to invent everything from scratch. This period set up the guidelines for the development of the physical activity. From Nordic Walking to Pole Sports, a brochure published at own expense, was completed by spring 1999. Along with performing other tasks, the instruction book was sold and marketed enthusiastically. The work done for promoting Nordic walking was producing results and helped to establish contacts with the Gummerus publishing house. Almost from the start, at our first meeting at the office of Gummerus Oy, we agreed with the general editor Risto Väisänen to prepare a proper book on workout with poles and Nordic walking.
私は、私がSeura Magazineのためにその時に書いた『次のステップ』というタイトルのコラムにとっての楽しみを進めている次の大きい記事を発表しました、フィンランド。1998は、フィンランドの北欧の歩いている大流行のための好況年とみなされるかもしれません。熱心な人の数は、週に一度少なくとも北欧のウォーキングを実践して、ほぼ0から10万人以上まで跳びました。1998は、たいへん個人的に私に北欧人に歩いて、それを教えることについて教えました。その時、私は時計のあたりの北欧のウォーキングと1週につき7日で働きました。研究所で、そして、それの外で。私は、人々にほぼ毎日スポーツの秘密を学ぶより速くてより簡単な方法を教える新しい方法と方法を開発していました。活動は、本当に国中でとても速く広がって、継続メディア主語でした。私がゼロからすべてを発明しなければならなかったので、「何からのすべてもない」原則(ポールSportsへのFrom Nordic Walkingという題名の使用説明書を完成させることだけでなく)に基づくトレーニング・セッションは仕事に疑問を呈していました。この期間は、身体活動の発達のためのガイドラインをセットアップしました。北欧のWalkingからポールSportsまで、パンフレットは自身の出費で公表して、1999年春までに完成しました。他の仕事を果たすこととともに、使用説明書は売られて、熱心に市場に出されました。北欧のウォーキングを促進するためにされる仕事は、結果を生んでいて、グンメルス出版社との接触を行うのを助けました。ほとんど最初から、グンメルスOyのオフィスの我々の初の会議で、我々は棒と北欧のウォーキングでトレーニングに関する適当な本を準備するために、編集主幹リストVaisanenに同意しました。
INWA (International Nordic Walking Association) was founded in spring 2000 and Exel Oyj’s marketing manager, Aki Karihtala, invited me to be a founding member, as well as a member of the board and a trainer of the organisation. I was in a splendid situation, because now I was able to have an impact on the development of the physical activity in its every individual aspect. To put it mildly – I was enthusiastic then. Meanwhile, Nordic walking had developed to an extent whereby in 2000 nearly half a million Finns practised it! Under the circumstances, it was a great pleasure to publish in 2001 the world’s very first book on Nordic walking.
INWA(国際的北欧のWalking協会)は2000年春に設立されました、そして、エクセルOyjのマーケティング・マネジャー(アキKarihtala)は創立メンバー(取締役と組織のトレーナーだけでなく)であろうと私を誘いました。私がそのあらゆる個々の面で身体活動の発達に影響を及ぼすことができたので、私は見事な状況にありました。控え目に言えば – 私は、それから熱心でした。一方、北欧のウォーキングは、2000年に、ほぼ50万人のフィンランド人がそれを練習したそれによって範囲に発達しました!そういう事情で、2001年に北欧のウォーキングに関する世界の一番最初の本を出版することは、ものすごい喜びでした。
In 2001 and 2002, most of my time was spent on travelling around Finland and the rest of the world participating in various Nordic walking training events organised by INWA. INWA’s operations were continuously developing and in August 2002 there were already nearly 30 INWA Master Trainers around the world. The results of this work also began to emerge internationally. Furthermore, a number of sports gear manufacturers had become involved in the market. Nordic walking had become a truly significant business field.
The ‘master’ himself had started to smile a little. It works...
2003 was the year of visible growth in Nordic Walking on an international scale. The number of INWA Master Trainers doubled during spring 2003, reaching about sixty (60) trainers. In 2003, most of my time was indeed spent on providing information about Nordic Pole Walking. The participants of the “tour” came from Germany, Austria, Italy, Norway, Luxembourg, Estonia, USA, Iceland, Holland, England, Denmark, Slovenia and Croatia.
In these cases - Marko always went to the mountain - so there was plenty of travel involved.
これらのケースで - マルコは、常に山に行きました - それで、関係する多くの旅行が、ありました。
Every training event involving accomplished top professionals of physical education is extremely challenging and extremely educating for any trainer. Many new perspectives have been revealed to me through discussions and contacts with different cultures resulting from these training events.
At the same time, however, it must be admitted that the basics of Original Nordic walking have not changed what I wrote in spring 1997.
同時に、しかし、歩いているOriginal Nordicの基本が私が1997年春に書いたものを変えなかったと認められなければなりません。
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