Home Welcome to INWA !
International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA) is the official worldwide international federation promoting Nordic Walking and was founded in Finland in 2000.
With this INWA internet service we offer you information about Nordic Walking such as how to do it, where to do it and what is needed. You can also use this site to find your local Nordic Walking contact in your own country.
Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking is one of the fastest growing recreational fitness sports in the world. Nordic Walking is fitness walking with specially designed Nordic Walker poles and offers a very efficient, aerobic and easy way to improve your physical condition irrespective of age, sex or physical condition.
INWA Convention 2010 takes place in Estonia and Latvia on 23-26 of September 2010.
1. Polish Championship Nordic Walking
In the weekend of August 29th and 30th the first Polish Championship Nordic Walking was held in Gniezno, city which one thousand years ago used to be the first capital of Poland. Now this is still a magical place for the Poles.
As in previous years, an INWA coach course is offered during the two days before the INWA Coach Convention. This coach course will start on October 13th at 15.30 in the Achat hotel in Neufahrn near Munich Airport.
Places are filling fast, but there are still a few left for candidates wanting to become INWA National Coach. If you are INWA member and know of possible participants for this INWA National Coach course, please contact us and send us the CVs of your candidates. Of course, please first have a look at the coach profile and the pre-requisites by [clicking here].
If you are not an official INWA member and would like to become one, and educate your first national coaches in October 2009. Then please send us an email and ask for the INWA Application form.
International INWA Instructor course
For more information click [here].
Getting Started
If you would like to be involved into Nordic Walking and join INWA you can find below two ways to do this. If you have any queries about this, please contact us:
Becoming a new National Association
First step - Fill out the "INWA Application Form"
* The first step to become a new INWA - National Nordic Walking Association is to register yourself here on the INWA Nordic Walking Portal and then to send an eMail to our office with a hosrt introduction about yourself and a request for the "INWA Application sheet". In the "INWA Application Form" you will find different kind of questions about you, your ideas, your vision, your plans etc. After filling out the application form please send this to our office address. In the next INWA Board meeting your application will be discussed and if possible a decision will be made. Before this, one member of the INWA board will contact you to discuss with you some of the details of the application.
The INWA is friendly and open for new members.
The reason for this procedure is that INWA is focused on quality in Nordic Walking and especially on the quality of the INWA members. INWA wants to be sure to have a common and professional understanding between the members and INWA about how to work together.
[Read more]
Becoming a new Guide, Instructor or Coach
First step - Contact the "NNWA" in your country
* The first step to become a new INWA Instructor or INWA Guide is to contact your National Nordic Walking Associaition. Based on the regulation and terms of INWA International each country handles the education of INWA Instructors and INWA guides. Information about where and when INWA Instructor and INWA Guide courses will be are available form the individual webpages of the member countries.
INWA International takes care of the education of the INWA National Coaches. Time schedules for this will be announced via the INWA Newsletter and here on the INWA Nordic Walking Portal.
If you decide to apply for the INWA National Coach education please take care to discuss this carefully with your local National Nordic Walking Association beforehand .
If you would like to become an INWA National Coach but there is no NNWA in your country, please contact the INWA office.
[Read more]
Interested in the Co-Operation with INWA?
Associations and organisations
INWA is represented by one main organisation in each country. These main organisations again co-operate with the other associations on a national level. If you can not find any INWA representative in your country, please feel free to contact INWA directly for further information. INWA can help you to develop Nordic Walking in your country.
Nordic Walking Instructors
Coaches are responsible for the education and training of Nordic Walking Instructors on a national level. Coaches are trained and certified by INWA's International Coaches. If you are interested in becoming a Nordic Walking Instructor, please contact your local representative for further information. If you would like to become a Coach, send your application to our local organisation. If INWA is not yet represented in your country, contact INWA directly.
INWA and its organisations are always looking for skilled and positively minded people interested in instructing Nordic Walkers. By applying INWA's tested and approved education concept one can successfully offer instruction and training for the people who want to improve their fitness for various reasons. As a certified instructor you will have the best training according to the guide lines of INWA.
Corporations and resorts
INWA also works together and offers its services to the sporting goods industry and other institutions related to the well being of the people. If your company is interested in co-operation, please contact INWA directly. INWA can offer significant benefits and opportunities through its global network of instructors.
INWA Office
eMail office@inwa-nordicwalking.com
Ul. Kochanowskiego 19/47
84-200 Wejherowo
INWA Registration
International Nordic Walking Association
Aki Karihtala
Jollaksentie 27 A
FI-00850 Helsinki
Logo & Label
Copyright © 2008 - 2010 by INWA.
All Rights Reserved.
***20.9.2010 http://inwa-nordicwalking.com/
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